Sunday, January 27, 2008

President Hinckley...

So, tonight word spread fairly quickly through Mormondom about President Hinckley's passing. We had family over for dinner, and we all received multiple phone calls about the same time from people all over the country to make sure everyone knew. In some ways, my heart is very sad...he will be a man that will be greatly missed. But, like my brother and his wife said tonight (I don't remember which one)..."Good for him!"

Which is so true. How wonderful that he ends his life knowing that he spent every ounce of his energy doing what he knew the Lord wanted him to do. He has worked tirelessly, and finally has received his rest. Best of all, he's back with his sweet wife. I think that is one of the most wonderfully tender things about him these last few years...his heart ached for his wife, and I loved the example he set to men around the world about how to love their sweethearts and how much they are missed when they are gone.

I'm sad that we won't hear any more of his jokes in conference, but I'm so grateful that he touched our lives for such a long time as a wonderful leader.

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