Sunday, September 13, 2009

Picking Huckleberries

Originally uploaded by Mark Griffith
We went with some friends up to pick Huckleberries for the first time. We had a great time, and huckleberries are delicious. Emma's called them "Purkleberries". We went to the very top of a mountain, and went to a secluded spot where I'm sure many a bear roam, since they love huckleberries. Our friend who took us there called it "huckleberry heaven". Lots and lots of yummy goodness. Emma only got like 5 in her little bag, since most of them went straight to her mouth.

On a fun note, I got to use the 4 wheel drive for the first time ever, as we were going up old logging roads that were ridiculous. (Probably not bad at all, but I felt really brave). Shane had to work, so it was just up to us. It was such a fun trip. The next morning we had huckleberry pancakes for breakfast....yummy!

Again, our friend Mark took a bunch of amazing pictures, here's the link to his whole set on flickr. So fun and as you'll see, so beautiful!


Poohbear said...

You are brave, with all the cougars running around our area! Bears too! Glad you had a fun time and got some good berries.

{Erica} said...

beautiful pictures! I have this on my to do list with the berry picking.

AJ said...

can you believe i have never had a huckleberry before?

what a great friend to have.