Friday, March 12, 2010

Henry Bryant Reckling

Born March 3, 2010 at 5:18 am. 9 lbs 1 oz. 21 inches long. He's been a great baby so far. He eats great, and I just can't wait to get him on a regular sleep schedule. Here are some of my favorite pictures so far. :) I love, love, love him!

Emma holding baby brother for the 1st time. She was so excited to see him, but once she was holding, only wanted to have him for a few seconds. She's already given him a million kisses on the forehead, and gets me all the diapers I need. She's been a great big sister so far. :)

Emma & Henry (2 days old) our first night at home.

Henry 3 days old. He makes alot of faces during his "milk-coma" phase. Right after I feed him, he drifts off into funny face land. He smiles all the time when he's inbetween worlds. Of course they're not social smiles, but still he's smiling. I like to think he's remembering good things from before he came to our family...

My ladies man, Mr. Henry Winky! :)

It's a good thing he's so cute, or else I wouldn't be able to handle the lack of sleep. He's fun to see, even in the middle of the night. Hopefully he gets a little better every day.


Natalie Murray said...

He is so stinking cute!!! I'm excited for my little guy to get here! Hopefully not too much longer!

Anonymous said...

HOW DARLING! I love that smiling one of him. That is priceless! Congratulations!

The Prices said...

He is so cute. I absolutely LOVE the picture of him winking!! I wish I was there to give him a squeeze! :) CONGRATS!

Hcatt and Jdogg said...

So cute! I love the picture of Henry and Emma!

FootprintsinClay said...

Completely adorable pictures! I can't wait to meet him in person! What a sweetie! What a great reward for 9 months of uncomfortableness (is that a word?) . . . so glad he has joined your family!

BonnieKaye said...

Congratulations a little late. I just saw your blog. What a cutie. I think Henry is a popular name right now, but oh, so cute.